Wednesday, May 27, 2015


We  all stood on the beach as the rain started pouring, harder and harder.  I put my sunglasses on trying to avoid getting water in my eyes. They just blinded me, so I took them off. The surrounding area was so pretty. You couldn't see any land other than the beach where we were, and the sky seemed to melt into the water.

The rain was loud as it hit the water and the sand, but a quiet kind of loud. There was thunder, but a soft sort of thunder. It wouldn't have been loud, but the sound of the rain made it even fainter. We all heard it though.

We all walked into the forest. I walked farther up the road trying to find the best spot. We waited. and waited. After fifteen minutes everyone's legs had gotten tired and they sat down.

The rain was still falling. It would slow down until it was barely raining. The next moment it would be pouring again.

I was covered in rain, and mud, and dirt. I was wet. So wet.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Brave New World

Imagine that you live in a world were babies hatch out of bottles and you can practically order if you want yours to be smart or not. Imagine that whenever you are unhappy you just take a pill that feels to you like a vacation from life. All your life you have been forced to think certain things and be a certain way, but it is practically the end of the world if all of that conditioning doesn't seem to work.

This is an interesting idea and overall a pretty good book. I would recommend it if you want a pretty fast, kind of funny and a little bit weird and suspenseful book. I would give this book 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Monday, May 4, 2015

1984 (Week One)

Winston has a pretty normal life for the average citizen of London during the year 1984. He has a good job working at the ministry of truth for the government. He lives in a good building and everything in his life is going according to plan. Until one day, when Winston decides that he doesn't want to have a boring, fulness life and everything changes.

I haven't finished this book yet but so far it is really good. The characters are well developed and the story is very interesting. The beginning is a little bit hard to get interested in but the book is really good.

Friday, May 1, 2015

"Um...... My cousin was wondering if he could join your game?"

"I know," I said,"we should play monkey in the middle." Even though there were only four of us, we still figured monkey in the middle would be fun. "Let's go."

We had been playing monkey in the middle for probably about 20 minutes (I never looked at the time), when a mini van pulled up in the parking lot next to where we were playing. About 6 kids (they seemed to be around our ages) got out, followed by their driver. They were all bouncing basketballs and seemed to be on a team of some sort withtheirdriver being their coach.

We kept playing our frisbee game and didn't pay much attention to the basketball. Shortly after, another car pulled into the parking lot and another four kids got out. The man who seemed to be the coach walked over to the driver of the man. Although we couldn't hear the whole conversation, we thought that the team had scheduled practice and it had been cancelled.

We didn't pay much attention to the people and we kept playing monkey in the middle. We finally got bored and just started tossing the frisbee around. Suddenly, one of the bored kids from the basketball team came up to us.

"Um... My cousin was wondering if he could join your game?" He asked and turned away.
"No I wasn't." Another oh replied.
"You can both play if you want to," I said back.

Before we knew it, our four person monkey in the middle game had turned into a ten person game. After about fifteen minutes the people we were playing with piled back into the cars that had brought them and went back on their way.

I have no idea who we played monkey in the middle with, and no idea if they even were a basketball tea,. But one thing is true, the game is a lot more fun with ten people than with four.