Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Rose Under Fire

On her way back from taxiing her uncle to France, Rose Justice is forced to land in the middle of Germany. Somehow, she ends up in a concentration camp during World War II and all she wants is the war to be over and her to be rescued.

I would say that overall this book wash't the best that I have read. If you are super into World War II stories and what life in a concentration camp might have been like maybe you should read this book but otherwise it I wouldn't recommend it. I would give this book about 3 stars.

Friday, April 24, 2015


Dear person who is making me wait here

Sitting, waiting
Watching the clock.
Annoyed and waiting
Will the boredom ever stop?

After how many minutes
Will it have been to long?
There is nothing to do.
Someone somewhere got the time wrong.

There are so many things I would rather be doing.
Than being here
I didn't even want to be in the first place
The bus is still probably not near.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Road

A man and his son are on a journey. They know that they are heading south, but they don't know what they are heading towards. Their journey is difficult but they have to make it. They are among the last people on earth and they possibly the last of the good guys. The only question is will they succeed.

This was a fantastic book. There were some scenes that were a little bit intense but the writing was phenomenal and the story was really good. I would only recommend this book to you if you are willing to read the depressing and intense parts. Overall this book was fantastic.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


I tickle the keys, desperately trying to keep up with the rhythm. Every time I move my hands I am worried that my fingers will slip and let out a horrible noise. Somehow, I managed to get through the whole song without too many mistakes.

Inside, I am practically shaking with nerves. This was just a practice, it shouldn't have been a big deal; if I messed up this practice, I would make a complete fool of myself during the performance. Everyone would laugh and say that I fourteen-year-old shouldn't be nervous at a piano recital. Little kids perform in them.

But I know that won't happen. After all, I have practiced. And everyone knows that practice makes perfect.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Road

The road is a story of a man and a boy on their journey south. All the have with them is a cart full of everything it can hold. The man and the boy don't know exactly where they are going. Sometimes, they have time to stop and look at a map, but the main thing that they have to follow, is the state road, stretching endlessly in front of them.

This is an incredibly well written book. It is written in a different style then most novels but once I got into it, it was easy to understand. There are definitely some parts that have been pretty creepy and disturbing but overall, the book is incredibly well written.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Magic fills my ears with the sweetest, most annoying and catchiest things I have ever heard.
Unbelievable, is the way that it gets into my brain.
Sing is what I do, along with the noises.
Inside my head, the words spin around and I am in the song.
Crazy is the how much we love music.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Martian (Week Two)

So what would happen if a crew went to mars, and left a cremate who they thought was dead, to fend for himself. Well, maybe he would just die? Maybe he would find a colony of Martians who would brainwash him? Well, that's not what the main character of The Martian, Mark Watney does.

This book was generally pretty good. The writing could have definitely been better but overall it was good. It rambled on a little bit at the beginning, but once you got into it it was really interesting. I would recommend this book to someone who was interested in stuff that is related to the challenges and advantages of mars.