Monday, May 18, 2015

Brave New World

Imagine that you live in a world were babies hatch out of bottles and you can practically order if you want yours to be smart or not. Imagine that whenever you are unhappy you just take a pill that feels to you like a vacation from life. All your life you have been forced to think certain things and be a certain way, but it is practically the end of the world if all of that conditioning doesn't seem to work.

This is an interesting idea and overall a pretty good book. I would recommend it if you want a pretty fast, kind of funny and a little bit weird and suspenseful book. I would give this book 3.5 out of 5 stars.


  1. The rules of such a structured world was interesting to read in this book. You've described it well, Danielle.

  2. wow. I really want to read this now.
