Wednesday, May 27, 2015


We  all stood on the beach as the rain started pouring, harder and harder.  I put my sunglasses on trying to avoid getting water in my eyes. They just blinded me, so I took them off. The surrounding area was so pretty. You couldn't see any land other than the beach where we were, and the sky seemed to melt into the water.

The rain was loud as it hit the water and the sand, but a quiet kind of loud. There was thunder, but a soft sort of thunder. It wouldn't have been loud, but the sound of the rain made it even fainter. We all heard it though.

We all walked into the forest. I walked farther up the road trying to find the best spot. We waited. and waited. After fifteen minutes everyone's legs had gotten tired and they sat down.

The rain was still falling. It would slow down until it was barely raining. The next moment it would be pouring again.

I was covered in rain, and mud, and dirt. I was wet. So wet.


  1. I really enjoyed the way you described the rain and the thunder.

  2. If i hadn't experienced this, it would have made me feel like i was there. :) ;)
