Friday, March 6, 2015

Bus Rides

Overnights are awesome. I got to go have a crawfish bake in Louisiana. I have hiked around the Yellowstone Caldera. There is no denying that both of those experiences were awesome. But there is one part of overnights that aren't so cool. I can't stand the long bus rides.

For starters, I get carsick. I have to be looking out of the window while I am on a bus. It is not fun to sit in the same place for six hours just looking at the repeating landscaping that looks a little bit like nowhere and is covered in yellow grass and sage bushes.

Because I get carsick it also means that I can't read. Sometimes I can play cards but that makes my head hurt which makes the trips even more unbearable. I can play car games such as "I'm Going on a Picnic" and "Contact." These games are fun but after seven hours they get a little old.

On top of the fact that I get carsick I am a person who is always over heating. The matter how high you have the air-conditioning blowing a small space with fourteen people on it and the sun cause the bus to get really hot. The heat makes my headache worse, of course. I get more carsick and I become super bored.

Along with the carsickness and the intense heat I get bored easily. I always like to be doing something. Of course, most of the time overnights are awesome for a person like me but the bus rides are practically torture.

For these reasons sometimes I am not super excited for a class trip. I think of all of the fun stuff....... then I remember the bus ride.


  1. I hate bus rides too, there so long and annoying!

  2. This coming trip, no long bus rides... I think the warmth is what gets to me, too. Sorry for the carsickness... You've covered well what isn't so good about those lo-ong trips.

  3. That sounds horrible. The way I normally survive bus rides is talking to people, but I don't get carsick, so, that sucks. I bet a lot of people feel that way. Nice Slice!
