I woke up at 6:28. I needed to get up extra early today so I had time to shovel/snow blow before we had to go to school. I mom was standing in the doorway. She whisper to me, something about there being a snow day and getting a call from the school. I said something about bleh and not liking snow days and went back to sleep.
When I woke about an hour later I went downstairs and turned on the TV, something we were usually only allowed to watch on the weekends. At least this is one good thing about a snow day. I thought. I watched TV for a little while until I remembered that the snowblower was sitting in our garage and (my dad being gone and my brother not being old enough to do it) I got the pleasure of blowing off the driveway.
Luckily, this time it took about a quarter of the amount of time that it had the weekend before. After blowing off our driveway and seeing, to my delight, that someone had already shoveled our sidewalk I tried to push the snowblower over to my neighbors' house. It took the same amount of time that blowing the driveway had taken.
I went back inside to see my brother cooking pancakes. After making a couple he gave up thinking that they were disgusting. I made a few more that were better than his before giving up. What kind of day is this going to be, after all it isn't even 10:00 in the morning yet. I thought to myself.
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