Have you ever felt like you are just hanging upside down? Like, someone told you they would help you but they bailed? That's how I feel right now. Well, it's not how I feel it's actually where I am. Hanging upside down, holding on by legs and the harness around my waist, looking at my friend who was too afraid to keep climbing.
We are attempting the "Giant's Ladder" at camp. ever since I was seven and saw the Giants Ladder for the first time, I awaited the time when I would finally be allowed to do it. In the six years I waited, I got to attempt a different on, but I had always wanted to try the one at camp.
Now, was my chance. Unfortunately, my friend who is my partner on the ladder is afraid of heights. She wanted to try it, but after getting on the first rung, was scared and wanted to get down. So, I figure I'm going to have to make it by myself.
It is a real disappointment that the third rung wis too high for me to get on from the second rung. My arms aren't long enough to reach the next bar so there is no way for me to pull myself up. When I lifted my ankle on to it tried to push myself up I ended up here. Stuck, hanging upside down.
Oh well, I'll just have to try again another time. I think to myself.
I am not a fan of Giants Ladder but I like the way that you described it. This was a well written piece.
I liked the way you described it.